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2001 Iowa Street, Suite B
Bellingham, WA, 98229
United States


Zig Zag

Zig Zag 1 1/4 French Orange Papers Promo Display

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Zig Zag 1 1/4 French Orange Papers Promo Display


100% Natural Gum Arabic

All Zig-Zag papers have a thin glue line to provide a perfect seal – every time. Derived from the sap of the African acacia tree, the natural properties of gum Arabic provide a consistent seal without impacting the taste of your smoke.

  • Our most popular paper

  • 78mm x 44mm

  • Made using Natural Flax Plant Fibers

  • 100% Natural Gum Arabic

  • 24 booklets per carton, 32 papers per booklet

Promo Display - 48 Booklets 

48 Pack

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